
发送: 2020年3月16日
来自: 玛丽·A总裁. Papazian


Today, six Bay Area counties, including Santa Clara County, announced a 全区就地避难至2020年4月7日. 就地安置的命令要求县居民 stay inside their homes and away from others in order to prevent the spread of COVID-19, 只有在必要的情况下才能离开. 根据县的命令,教育机构, 如上海大学,部分不受此命令的约束. 允许学生旅行 用于远程学习. 教职员工被允许进入校园 to deliver and/or support 在线 and distance instruction provided that appropriate 保持社会距离. 中列出了其他例外情况 正式订单.

As a result, 菠菜网lol正规平台 remains open, even though the majority of students, staff, and faculty 不需要也不应该来学校. 学生可以继续他们的课程 在线. 教师 and staff are asked to continue their professional work through telecommuting, 如果适用的话. Some essential personnel will continue to provide critical services 在校园. However, any一个 65 years of age or older and/or who suffers from chronic conditions should not come to campus or any of 菠菜网lol正规平台’s off-site locations (see 昨天的消息 欲知详情). University Personnel will contact all essential personnel shortly.

Extension of Online Instruction through end of Spring 2020 Semester

菠菜网lol正规平台 has moved all courses, including small labs, practicums and studio-based courses, to 在线 instruction for the remainder of the Spring 2020 semester (ending May 22). 请参考我们网站的“学生”部分 健康咨询及常见问题 还有其他问题吗.

教师 are developing innovative ways to support student learning in this new environment. Students should reach out to their instructor, advisor, or program coordinator if they have questions or concerns about navigating 在线 learning or are having difficulty 平衡学业和其他责任. 教职员工都准备好了 为那些可能有更大风险的学生提供住宿. 请注意, though, that students do not need to disclose any particular condition. 学生们 鼓励与 学生健康中心 支持任何住宿要求. 



  • The residence halls for students, faculty, and staff remain open although all who 能安全回家就应该这样做吗. 
  • The Spartan Recreation and Aquatic Center and Provident Credit Union Event Center 将关闭直至另行通知. 
  • 公共餐厅和乡村市场仍然开放. 
  • 学生健康和保健中心仍然开放. 
  • 从明天3月17日开始. 马丁·路德·金. 图书馆照常开放 只从8点开始.m. 到下午6点.m. 对于需要使用电脑的学生和教师 在线教育(1楼和2楼将开放). 其他服务仍将继续提供, 但实际上(.g.、帐目、参考资料、电子查阅). 塔ID将被要求 进入马丁·路德·金图书馆. 

Updates on library hours and Student 健康与福利 Center services for students, 教职员工即将到来.

To make sure that we maintain a secure campus, all 菠菜网lol正规平台 buildings will be locked effective 今晚6点.m. Since Santa Clara County has issued a “shelter in place,” only essential 人员应在校园建筑内. 需要提供远程教育的教员 从校园和/或监控各种实验室是例外. 其他例外情况必须 由适当的内阁成员批准. 从明天早上开始,老师们 and staff will need their Tower cards or key cards to gain access to buildings.

我知道你还有很多问题要问. 请查阅上海州立大学健康咨询网站 for current information, advisories, 常见问题解答s, and resources, and check your email frequently. These are the two main communication channels that 菠菜网lol正规平台 will use to keep you updated 关于菠菜网lol正规平台如何应对COVID-19的爆发.